Reduce Build time
It takes more than 8 minutes to generate a QR code or download .apk file to preview the app. It would be good if Build time is reduced to below 3 minutes.
Trail period extension
Haven’t explored OREOPS much yet! Request for more time! It would be nice, if trail period extension option available on demand basis
Build iOS app
Recommending for this feature to be enabled very soon
Build Log - Review
Build log should be reviewed – Output window
Signup with Google
Looking for a single signon feature to register with OREOPS
Source Safe - View changes without Check-in
Need option to view the file or any changes in app without Check-in
Live preview for both iOS and Android app
Its takes more time to install and test/preview the app in devices(Android/iOS). To make comfort, recommending a enhancement or feature to test or preview the apps in Live. Like simulator in xcode or web simulator!!!
External User Management usage
I have User Management externally with another tool, so need option to integrate those with application
Application Font - option to change
Need provision to change the application font globally second time
Customize Font upload
I am using the fonts which are available in OREOPS and not able to use fonts for my wish. I’d like to use fonts of my own wish and option to upload customized font for Application
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